We love you the way you are
You’re beautiful the way you are
People will like you the way you are
That’s what my family and friends tell me
But if only you were a little
Thinner, nicer, outgoing, less opinionated, feminine
I’m confused
Didn’t you say that you would love me
The way I am?
Didn’t you say that I’m beautiful
The way I am?
That people will like me
The way I am?
So why should I be a little
Thinner, nicer, outgoing, less opinionated, feminine?
Is that the way you love me
The way I am?
Like you love your house?
Like you love your coffee or tea?
You only love it if you can change it
You only love it if you can adjust it
You only love it if you can make it just right
For you
Well guess what
I’m not your fucking house
Or your fucking coffee or tea
You can’t rearrange my furniture or add sugar and cream
But even as I screamed
Those words to you
Every. Single. Time.
You apologized
Told me those same meaningless words
We love you the way you are
You’re beautiful the way you are
People will like you the way you are
If only you were a little
Thinner, nicer, outgoing, less opinionated, feminine
Until one day
You wore me down
Because even though I don’t care
I don’t want to be a little
Thinner, nicer, outgoing, less opinionated, feminine
You do
And against my better judgment
I do love you the way you are
So I’ll try to be a little
Thinner, nicer, outgoing, less opinionated, feminine
Until you can think of other things you want me to be
So you can love me
Just the way I am